Ruben's favorite Ireton memories were the Kairos and Bethany retreats. He plans to study electric and computer engineering.
Karen's favorite Ireton traditions were Powderpuff Football and Advisory Retreat. She plans to study International Business.
Some of Madeleine's favorite traditions were the Senior Farewell ceremony, video and song. She plans to study Nursing.
Kelly's favorite Bishop Ireton tradition was the Faculty vs Senior basketball game during Catholic Schools Week. She plans to study Journalism.
Sophie's favorite memories were celebrating opening night with the cast and crew at Silver Diner. She plans to study Theater.
Lian's favorite memory from Bishop Ireton was her Kairos retreat. She plans to study Psychology.
Savannah's favorite Bishop Ireton traditions included Spirit Week, Dress Down Days and Adoration. She plans to study Biomedical Engineering.
Kendall's favorite Bishop Ireton memories were going to sporting events and attending Kairos. She plans to study Marketing.
Sophie loved being a part of the Bishop Ireton varsity tennis and lacrosse teams. She plans to study Business.
Sierra's favorite Bishop Ireton memories were the dances and cheering at football and hockey games. She plans to study Neurobiology.
Reagan's favorite Bishop Ireton memory was going on the mission trip to Banica, Dominica Republic. She plans to study Nursing.
Laura's favorite tradition was the Faculty vs Senior basketball game at Catholic Schools Week. She plans to study Computer Science.
Matthew's favorite Bishop Ireton memory was attending his Kairos retreat. He plans to study Computer Science.
Natalie's favorite Bishop Ireton memories were the Homecoming dances. She plans to study Biology.